If you fail to take the necessary measures, you can lose your property, which might cause financial challenges when you will not be working in retirement.
Legal Reader’s recent article entitled “How to Legally Protect Your Assets” says there are different strategies you can use to protect your personal assets.
This will help you to prepare for any eventuality. Let’s look at some of them:
A Family Trust. This may be one of the best strategies to protect your personal assets. A personal revocable trust in California does not give the creator any asset protection but setting up an irrevocable trust for another person and gifting them assets will. The type of trust matters when asset protection is involved. Talk to an experienced estate planning attorney before setting up the trust to make the right decisions.
Start a Company. Your property will be more secure than when operating a sole proprietorship or a partnership business. This gives you a more secure future, even when you face financial challenges. However, there are many legalities in starting a company, so talk to an attorney
Register Your Most Valuable Assets in the Name of the Low-risk Spouse. This tactic will make it difficult for a trustee or liquidator to gain access to the property in case of bankruptcy. However, ask an attorney to help you to structure the purchase to make certain that the low-risk partner’s name appears on the legal documents. An experienced estate planning attorney can also help you access benefits, such as Social Security and Medicaid. There are also issues with fraudulent transfer and whether the assets and debts are community property in California. Speak to an attorney to determine the best course of action.
These laws keep changing. You might miss an opportunity of getting long-term care planning, if you keep postponing a review with an experienced estate planning attorney.
As you spend your hard-earned cash, take some time to learn how to protect what you buy. You should also use the legal strategies above to keep your property secure.
One of the main goals of our law practice is to help families like your plan for safe, problem free, and successful transfer of assets to the next generation. Call our office today to schedule a time for us to review your estate plan and identify the best strategies for you and your family to ensure your legacy of love and financial security. Our office is located in Santa Ana, CA but we serve all of California including Irvine, Orange, Tustin, Newport Beach, and Anaheim.
For more information and articles on estate planning, probate, trust law, and business planning, please visit our website and subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter.
Reference: Legal Reader Jan. 26, 2022) “How to Legally Protect Your Assets”