Was Your Loved One a Book Lover? Think Twice Before You Throw Them Out
An individual’s belongings—such as jewelry, furniture, photographs, and books—sometimes slip through the cracks of their estate plan. While certain books may be gifted to a beneficiary in a loved one’s […]
Have an Etsy Store? Make Sure It Is Properly Protected
The online marketplace Etsy has gone from a niche craft seller to one of the largest commerce companies in the world. Etsy has millions of active sellers worldwide, most of […]
Three Improvements the Administration Wants to Make Regarding Administration for Trusts and Decedents’ Estates
When a person dies, there are often several tasks that need to be completed to properly wind down their affairs (their estate)—funerals and other preparations need to be planned, bank […]
Ways the Administration Wants to Modify the Tax Rules for Certain Trusts
Taxes are not just for individuals—they can impact certain types of trusts as well. Whether a trust pays its own taxes or whether the taxes are paid by the trust’s […]
What the Administration’s 2024 Revenue Proposals Mean for You and Your Estate Plan
What the Administration’s 2024 Revenue Proposals Mean for You and Your Estate Plan Introduction On March 9, 2023, the Biden administration released a proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, calling […]