What Taxes Have to Be Paid When Someone Dies?
Tax obligations continue on despite the passing of a loved one, and in some cases, come about because of it. Tax deadlines pose a challenge for grieving families.
How Do You Gift Your House to Your Children during Your Lifetime?
There are many ways to pass property on to children, including gifting the family home to them while you are still alive, bequeathing it to the children upon your passing, or selling the residence to your heirs.
Do I Have to Pay Off Husband’s Debts after He Dies?
Losing your spouse is a painful, confusing time, but add to that repeated calls from an aggressive debt collector and a bad situation suddenly can get even worse.
Is It Necessary to have a Medical Power of Attorney?
Selecting medical powers of attorney is an important step that aging parents should take to ensure they get the care they wan,t if they are unable to advocate for themselves.
Is It Ever Too Late for a Family Meeting to Discuss Money?
Even those who have saved and invested well may not be sharing their financial information with a spouse or loved one. It’s time to do that now.
What’s the Best Way to Mess Up Estate Plan?
Here are the top five mistakes people make that upend their planning.
When Should a Trust Be Reviewed?
Many people are under the impression that since they have a trust, they don’t need to do anything else. That’s not true. The trust you created years ago may not be appropriate for you now.
Who Should I Name as Trustee?
You created your revocable living trust to hold your assets. You did so because of the probate avoidance and other benefits. You may have included sophisticated tax-planning provisions in your trust.
Do Grandchildren Get Some of the Estate If Their Dad Dies before Me?
What if parents have wills and their contingent beneficiaries are their two adult children. If one of the adult children dies before the parents, who gets that contingent beneficiary’s share?
What Does the Role of Estate Executor Entail?
At some point in your life, there’s a good chance you’ll be tasked with acting as the executor of an estate.