What Does Pandemic Estate Planning Look Like?
The coronavirus pandemic has certainly caused havoc and concern for many people, particularly in regard to their health and their finances — and these two areas intersect in estate planning. So, if you haven’t drawn up your estate plans yet, or you think they may need to be revised, now may be a good time to act.”
How Do I Handle Inheritance?
The period leading up to and shortly after losing a close relative is often one of the most emotionally demanding times that we, as humans, experience.
How Can I Avoid Family Fighting in My Estate Planning?
One problem that frequently stems from the inheritance process is fractured relationships between siblings. Unfortunately, the common denominator in many of these situations is the parents’ estate plan.
Can I Protect My Estate with Life Insurance?
Life insurance may play a vital role in an estate plan, because insurance proceeds can be counted on to provide liquidity when it’s needed.
How to Plan for Incapacity
One in four American adults live with a disability, according to the Center for Disease Control. One in 10 adults over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s or dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan
If you think of estate planning as something only ultra-wealthy people need to do, you’re not alone. That’s a common misconception.
What Should I Know about Beneficiaries?
Whenever you open a financial account, you’re almost always asked to name a beneficiary. Simply stated, a beneficiary of the account is someone who is entitled to the benefits of the account, typically, on the death of the account holder. If you’ve purchased life insurance, for example, you name a beneficiary, who receives the benefits of the policy when you pass.
Coronavirus Makes Estate and Tax Planning an Urgent Task
What may have seemed like something to take care of ‘one day,’ has turned into a basic necessity that makes it essential and necessary for you to encourage your clients to act now.
What are the Different Kinds of Powers of Attorney?
As you age, it is important to have your affairs in order to ensure peace of mind for you and your family. Several documents need to be in place to help your family know and carry out your wishes.
What are Fiduciary Duties in Estate Planning?
As you plan how you will leave your estate, it is important to your family’s future that you leave a legacy with well-executed documents. It’s also essential that you understand all of the roles of the people involved in your estate, especially the person or organization who will manage your estate.