Will Gift to Heir Be a Benefit or Burden?
One of the biggest conundrums of estate planning is considering how, or even if, you can give money or property to your heirs in a manner that will help them.
What Do I Do with Estate Plan after Divorce?
Major changes in your life—such as marriage, having a baby, moving out of state, or divorce—should prompt a revisit to your current will. It is important to revise your will at these times, in order to ensure that your estate planning is up to date.
What a Will Won’t Accomplish
That last will and testament you have tucked away? It may not be the last word on what happens to your stuff after you are gone. Instead, that legal document’s directives for doling out your wealth may be overruled by other paperwork and relevant laws.
Before They’re Gone—Estate Planning Strategies
If you have not already been inundated with invitations to webinars, articles and newsletters regarding the estate planning you should consider doing before new legislation passes, you undoubtedly will receive these over the next few months.
Should You Put Your House in Your Child’s Name?
In a nutshell, it might be better for your mom to put the home in a living trust that allows her to control the home while she is alive and allows you to inherit the home through the trust upon her death.
What Is Probate?
The probate process gets a bad reputation, but it’s the reality many families will face. It is a process that can function well for some small estates.
Do You Need a Revocable or Irrevocable Trust?
On the surface, the difference between revocable and irrevocable trusts couldn’t be any more straightforward. You can change your revocable trust whenever and however you choose. You can’t change your irrevocable trust at all.
Why Do People Give to Charities at End of Year?
With a draft bill from the House Ways and Means Committee on the table, all signs suggest that higher income taxes could be right around the corner. How they will affect charitable giving remains to be seen.
How Can I Pass Wealth to My Children and Grandchildren?
Inherited assets come with benefits, along with some burdens
Talk to Parents about Estate Planning without Making It Awkward
Discussing estate planning with your parents is a conversation that can be difficult to have. You might not want to think about the day they are no longer here, or even consider that they might experience a decline in health that severely limits their ability to think clearly or communicate with you.