Are You Single with a Minor Child? If So, You Need a Plan

You have a minor child who depends on you for their survival, so you need to make sure that they will be cared for if you are ever unable to […]
What Happens to Elvis’s Legacy Now?

Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll, died in 1977. Like most celebrities of his stature, he left behind a complicated legacy—and a considerable estate. Elvis’s estate, including Graceland, […]
Garn–St Germain Act: What You Need to Know
It is important to let your estate planning attorney know if you own real estate that is subject to a mortgage. Most mortgages include due-on-sale clauses stating that, upon the […]
Four Important Considerations If You Win the Lottery
On February 14, 2023, California state lottery officials named the winner of the largest lottery prize in United States history: Edwin Castro won an eye-popping $2.04 billion in a November […]
Have You Outgrown Your Estate Plan?
As estate planning attorneys, we work hard to set up estate plans that fit a client’s needs and ensure that everything works together for the client and their loved ones. […]
Time to Brush Up on Your Estate Planning Etiquette
Infusing the Principles of Etiquette into Your Estate Plan May is National Etiquette Month, and the goal is to encourage all people to act with consideration, respect, and honesty in […]
Important Probate Rules You Should Know
When a person dies, what happens next depends on whether the deceased person had any foundational estate planning documents such as a last will and testament (otherwise known as a […]
Five Things to Know Before Including a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Your Estate Plan
When it comes to protecting your hard-earned money and property, it is important that you have the right plan, which can include a number of tools for your unique situation. […]