Do You Need a Revocable or Irrevocable Trust?
On the surface, the difference between revocable and irrevocable trusts couldn’t be any more straightforward. You can change your revocable trust whenever and however you choose. You can’t change your irrevocable trust at all.
What are Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives
Some people think that, because their assets are jointly owned with a spouse or are in a trust, they do not need a Power of Attorney, or that if they become incapacitated, their spouse automatically has the authority to make medical decisions on their behalf.
Can I Revoke a Power of Attorney?
You don’t actually appoint someone power of attorney (POA). A POA is a document that you execute that allows someone to act on your behalf.
Is it Better to Have a Living Will or a Living Trust?
Whether you need a living will vs. living trust as part of your estate plan depends on your overall financial situation and goals. However, it’s helpful to consider the advantages of including one or both in your planning efforts.
If I Move to a New State, Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan?
While legally you may not need all-new estate planning documents if you move to a different state, you should have your documents reviewed by a local attorney in your new home.
Can You Amend a Power of Attorney?
If the durable power of attorney can’t be transferred, what needs to be done to establish a new durable power of attorney for my aunt despite her mental incapacity?
What is the Difference between Guardianship and Power of Attorney?
With all the media buzz about guardians stealing money from those whom they are meant to protect and overall financial abuse issues involving seniors, it’s a good moment to revisit how surrogate decision-making works.
Key Health Document Most Americans Don’t Have but Should
Regardless of one’s feeling on estate planning, there is one estate planning document that all Americans should have: A Health Care Directive.
Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid
Preparing an estate plan, is like getting a physical. We know responsible adults have it done but choosing to do it yourself is just not appealing. We may decide with the information available on the internet, we simply can self-diagnose any problems that arise.