What Should Same-Sex Couples Know about Estate Planning?

Some people might assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy. However, the reality is that anyone can, and should, engage in estate planning, regardless of wealth. Although creating an estate plan for same-sex couples isn’t totally different than for heterosexual couples, there are some considerations that are unique to same-sex couples.

How Do I Make Sure My Wife Gets the House When I Die?

I am currently married but I purchased a home from my mother before my marriage. I added my younger sister to the deed at the time of purchase, so the house would remain in the family if something happened to me. I have been paying the mortgage and bills myself for three years now. However, now that I’m married to a great woman, who would get the house when I die?

Tips on Owning Property with Someone Other than Your Spouse

It’s very common for spouses to title property they own together as ‘joint with right of survivorship.’ When one passes, the other owns the property outright. It’s simple, easy and automatic. However, it can get messy when the other joint owner isn’t your spouse.