What a Will Can and Cannot Do
A will allows you to distribute your worldly goods, select a guardian for minor children and name an executor to carry out your wishes.
How Do You Split an Estate in a Blended Family?
Good estate planning must consider more than what you want to happen to your property and for your beneficiaries. It also must consider what you intentionally want to avoid happening.
Your Will and Estate Planning Checklist
Most people should have a will, but it’s rarely the most significant estate planning document that an individual will hold.
How Do I Disinherit My Child?
When these types of situations arise, there are many steps you can take to avoid your will from being contested by individuals who believe they are entitled to receive your assets.
Can I Disinherit a Family Member?
If you don’t want your deadbeat brother or even an estranged spouse inheriting your estate, you have to tread carefully.