What to Do When a Disability Throws Your Estate Plan into Chaos
As poet Robert Burns mused centuries ago, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Despite thoughtful effort and a concerted strategy, you cannot prepare for every emergency […]
Three Important Concerns Self-Employed Individuals Should Address
Being self-employed is no easy task. You are the owner, and in some cases, the only employee. While you may have more freedom than the average worker, a lot of […]
What Is a Guardianship?
Guardianship is a legal action where the court deems an adult an incapacitated person and appoints someone, the guardian, to make decisions about the care and finances of the individual.
What is the Difference between Conservatorship and Guardianship?
The term ‘conservatorship’ was suddenly all over the news this year because of singer Britney Spears. However, whether you’ve been reading up on the topic because of current events or you’ve been trying to understand it for personal reasons, the legal jargon can be confusing.
Estate Planning for Special Needs Children
It takes a special parent to care for a child with special needs. These parents’ greatest financial concern is typically ensuring that their children are cared for when they can no longer do so.
What are Conservatorships and Is Britney Spears’ Typical?
While Britney Spears says her own conservatorship is abusive, the legal device has long been criticized for facilitating elder abuse and undercutting disability rights.
What Is a Guardianship?
My Dad has been deemed unable to make his own decisions, and he does not have a Power of Attorney. The hospital said we need to apply for guardianship. What is that?
How to Be an Effective Advocate for Elderly Parents
As family caregivers, we play many roles: scheduler, money manager, house cleaner, health aide, nurse, navigator, nurturer and more. Perhaps the most important role, though, is advocate, as we ensure the best life possible for our loved ones when they are vulnerable.
The Difference between Power of Attorney and Guardianship for Elderly Parents
The difference between power of attorney and guardianship is a common question asked by adult children. Both roles share a duty to provide care and oversight of medical care and health.
Does Sense of Smell Impact the Onset of Dementia?
Seniors who can identify smells like roses, turpentine, paint-thinner and lemons, and have retained their senses of hearing, vision and touch, may have half the risk of developing dementia as their peers with marked sensory decline.