Can I Add Children’s Names to my House Deed?

It’s true that if your child is on your deed as a joint tenant on your home, your home will not have to go through probate if your child survives you. At your death, your surviving child would immediately become the sole owner of your home without probate and with minimal transfer costs.

Should You Put Your House in Your Child’s Name?

In a nutshell, it might be better for your mom to put the home in a living trust that allows her to control the home while she is alive and allows you to inherit the home through the trust upon her death.

Do It Yourself Wills Go Wrong–Fast

I want to divide my estate equally among their three children. I’ve mapped out a plan to dispose of my property without any probate whatsoever. I put it together from what I’ve read on the internet. It’s just marvelous what you can learn by Googling things, don’t you think?