Does My Family have to Pay My Credit Cards when I Die?

Especially with the average U.S. household having $7,027 in revolving credit card debt and Americans owing a total of $416.1 billion in credit card debt, according to a recent Nerdwallet study, some Americans will have credit card debt for the rest of their lives. However, what happens to credit card debt when you die?

Will I Get A Bill as My Inheritance?

Debts, just like assets, are considered part of a person’s estate. When that person passes away, their estate is responsible for paying any and all remaining debts. The money to pay those debts comes from the asset side of the estate.

What Debts Must Be Paid after I Die?

If you are concerned about incurring debt after a family member’s death or are worried how your own debt will impact your family, here are some things you should know.