Does the Executor Control Bank Accounts?
Administration of a decedent’s estate may involve investment accounts (with stocks and bonds) held in the decedent’s name or trust.
What Is the First Thing an Executor of a Will Should do?
At some point in your life, there’s a good chance you’ll be tasked with acting as the executor of an estate. The designation is both an honor and an obligation.
Can I Give My Child Access to My Bank Account? Should I?
Would your loved ones have necessary access to your bank accounts after you die to help carry out your last wishes and handle arrangements?
How Does Home Ownership Transfer after a Parent Dies?
My father passed away recently. How do we remove his name from the title to the home? Can we record a death certificate or have mom sign a new deed?
What are the Responsibilities of a Trustee?
A trustee is a manager of assets in a trust. The grantor creates the trust and appoints the trustee. A trustee has a ‘fiduciary duty’ to serve the grantor and not benefit personally.
What Does a Successor Trustee Do?
I am named successor trustee in my parents’ trust. When the time comes, how do I sell the home and the other assets?