What Power Does an Executor Have?
If a loved one asks you to be the executor of their estate, think carefully before you take on this responsibility.
What a Will Can and Cannot Do
A will allows you to distribute your worldly goods, select a guardian for minor children and name an executor to carry out your wishes.
How Does Probate Work?
A probate judge is an official of the county court system and a judicial official of the state, who decides civil court cases that involve the probate process.
What is the Difference between Conservatorship and Guardianship?
The term ‘conservatorship’ was suddenly all over the news this year because of singer Britney Spears. However, whether you’ve been reading up on the topic because of current events or you’ve been trying to understand it for personal reasons, the legal jargon can be confusing.
What You Need to Know about Probate
A will is a legal document that spells out the distribution of your assets and how your children will be cared for at your death. Probate is a process used to prove a decedent’s will is valid and to supervise the handling of their estate.
What Is Probate and How Does It Work?
Probate survives as a procedure originally implemented by the King of England to protect his citizens from themselves and their greed.
Do You Have to Do Probate when Someone Dies?
For most of us, the first time we ever thought about probating a will is when someone in our family has died. So, what does it mean to probate a will?
How Can I Easily Pass My Home to My Only Child?
I am a single retired parent to an adult daughter, who is an only child. The home I currently reside for the last 26 years still has a mortgage and the deed is in my name only. I have a will that states everything is left to my daughter, and then to my grandson, if she proceeds me in death. Should my daughter be added to the deed?