The Real Story Behind Trust Fund Kids

When we hear the phrase “trust fund kid,” words like “entitled,” “privileged,” and “financially irresponsible” might come to mind. But another word we should associate with “trust fund kid” is […]

What Is a Trust and How Does It Work?

Trusts are often associated with the rich. However, the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.

Why Should I Name a Beneficiary?

Lewis established an irrevocable trust, in which he named ‘his son’s spouse’ as a beneficiary. At the time Clark, the son, was married to Vivian.

Can You Refuse an Inheritance?

What happens if you are named an heir in an estate but you don’t want it? Does it go the person’s children if you reject the inheritance?

How Much can You Inherit and Not Pay Taxes?

Unless you spend your winters in Aspen and your summers in the Hamptons, you probably don’t have to worry about paying federal estate taxes on an inheritance. In 2021, the federal estate tax doesn’t kick in unless an estate exceeds $11.7 million.

When Should You Fund a Trust?

For larger estates, a revocable trust is generally the most effective tool for avoiding probate. It involves some setup costs. However, it allows you to manage the disposition of all of your wealth in one document, while retaining control and reserving the right to modify your plan.