What Does Estate Plan Include?

A will is first. In essence, a will spells out who will get your stuff, in what proportions they will get it and in some instances at least, upon what conditions.

What Is a Trust and How Does It Work?

Trusts are often associated with the rich. However, the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.

Why Not Have a Will?

Out of sight, out of mind isn’t just an everyday adage—it’s one of the reasons why people 50 and over fail to write a will, update a previous one, or make other estate planning decisions.

What Happens to Parents’ Debt when They Die?

Adult children typically don’t have to pay their parents’ bills. However, there are exceptions.  Even when a child doesn’t have to pay directly, debt could reduce what they inherit.