What are Top ‘To-Dos’ in Estate Planning?

The biggest misconception people have about estate planning is that “they are not that old and can do it later,” say almost half (49%) of advisors in a recent Key Private Bank Advisor Poll on estate planning. Yet, the majority (73%) of advisors say the ideal age to start putting an estate plan in place is before 40—earlier than many people think.

How Does Step-up Basis Work in an S-Corp?

My sister, her husband and I own an S Corporation with 25%, 25% and 50% ownership, respectively. The S Corporation invests in rental properties. My brother-in-law passed away earlier this year, so does my sister get a step-up in basis for her husband’s portion?

What Should I Do when Spouse Dies?

While no one is ever ready to lose a loved one, proper planning in advance of a loss may help ensure that finances may be one less concern during such a trying time.

How Does a Charitable Trust Work?

While direct giving has an immediate impact, some individuals may be considering charitable planning strategies that will have a larger and longer-lasting impact not only on charities, but on their own lives or that of their families.

What are the Main Estate Planning Blunders to Avoid?

Maintaining a valid and current estate plan is vitally necessary in order to ensure the efficient and orderly dispersion of assets after a person dies. However, even a small mistake can create huge problems during the settlement process, and in many cases, these errors are impossible for anyone to correct.