How to Approach Parents about Estate Planning
If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. However, because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off—and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether.
What Is a Power of Attorney?
A power of attorney is an important document. It is, nevertheless, frequently disregarded in estate planning. People usually concentrate their efforts on their wills and trusts, naming a power of attorney at the last minute.
Why Do You Need a Health Care Directive?
A heath care directive is a legal document that lets you express your health care preferences and, if you wish, designate authority to someone to make care decisions for you, if you cannot make them yourself.
What are Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives
Some people think that, because their assets are jointly owned with a spouse or are in a trust, they do not need a Power of Attorney, or that if they become incapacitated, their spouse automatically has the authority to make medical decisions on their behalf.
What’s a Living Will?
A living will is a legal document that allows you to specify the kind of care you’d like to receive in end-of-life situations. This is different from an advance healthcare directive, though either one can be an important part of an estate plan.
Should You Get Medical Power of Attorney?
Ensuring that your wishes on your medical care are followed is up to you. Take action now while you’re well, or you could lose a say in the matter during a crucial time later.
Your Will and Estate Planning Checklist
Most people should have a will, but it’s rarely the most significant estate planning document that an individual will hold.
Are Your ‘Affairs’ Really in Order?
With the threat of COVID-19, we’ve all come face-to-face with our mortality, but are you prepared for the worst?
What Is a Guardianship?
My Dad has been deemed unable to make his own decisions, and he does not have a Power of Attorney. The hospital said we need to apply for guardianship. What is that?
How to Be an Effective Advocate for Elderly Parents
As family caregivers, we play many roles: scheduler, money manager, house cleaner, health aide, nurse, navigator, nurturer and more. Perhaps the most important role, though, is advocate, as we ensure the best life possible for our loved ones when they are vulnerable.