Estate Planning for Adult Children
Parents may be surprised to learn that without some specific documents in place, they will no longer be able to obtain information or help their loved one should they be in an accident or other situation, where they can’t advocate for themselves.
How to be Sure Your Estate Doesn’t go to the Wrong Person
Do you want to disinherit your loved ones? Then simply name the wrong person on your beneficiary forms. That sounds too simple, yes, but everyday individuals die leaving their financial assets to the wrong person.
Tips on Owning Property with Someone Other than Your Spouse
It’s very common for spouses to title property they own together as ‘joint with right of survivorship.’ When one passes, the other owns the property outright. It’s simple, easy and automatic. However, it can get messy when the other joint owner isn’t your spouse.
Am I Too Young to Think About Estate Planning?
Many people equate estate planning with older people who have more assets and more to protect. However, that doesn’t mean younger people should ignore the benefits of estate planning. According to, only 34% of adults ages 35 to 44 have a will and 18% of adults ages 18 to 34 have one.
An Estate Plan Can Keep Your Heirs from Having to Guess What You Wanted
Passing away without an estate plan is a huge mistake that can tie up your estate for years in probate.
It’s Important to Keep Your Will Up to Date
When the ‘Queen of Soul’ Aretha Franklin died last year, it was believed that she hadn’t prepared any kind of estate plan, including a last will and testament. However, a few months ago, three handwritten wills were found in her home near Detroit. Two were in a locked closet and one was stuffed beneath the cushions of a couch!
How Estate Planning Keeps the Peace for Blended Families
Even a close family can have quarrels and confrontations, but these conflicts tend to be more prominent within a blended family.
Estate Planning Tips for Couples without Children?
If you and your spouse are child-free, you may think you don’t need to think about comprehensive estate planning—but you’d be wrong. You’ll still want to ensure your assets go where you’d like them to after you’re gone, rather than being divvied up by the state.
What Happens When You Inherit a Home?
Understanding what happens when you inherit a house, as well as addressing the tough financial and emotional decisions on what to do with the home, can be intimidating.
I’m a Fiduciary – What Do I Need to Know?
Years ago he signed a power of attorney document naming me as his agent, so I could help him with these types of things. Not ever having done this before, what do I need to know about fiduciary duty?