To the Millennials: The Time to Plan Is Now

As a millennial, you are contributing to the workforce in a major way and are making positive changes in the world around you. We understand that your concerns may differ […]

How to Check the Validity of a Will

Without a valid will, a person’s estate passes to their surviving heirs under intestate succession (i.e., ‘succession without a will’).

How to Approach Parents about Estate Planning

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. However, because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off—and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether.

Talk to Parents about Estate Planning without Making It Awkward

Discussing estate planning with your parents is a conversation that can be difficult to have. You might not want to think about the day they are no longer here, or even consider that they might experience a decline in health that severely limits their ability to think clearly or communicate with you.

What are Digital Assets in an Estate?

Today, so many aspects of our lives are managed virtually. We keep currency, photos, music, documents, bills, medical records, artwork and even our social lives online or ‘in the cloud.’