What Does SECURE 2.0 Have to Do with 529 Plans
By now, you have likely heard about the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act) and the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (part of the […]
Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Inherited IRAs?
Tax rules on individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are different for inherited IRAs. Some differences are positive.
What Should Not Be Included in a California Trust?
A revocable living trust is a great tool to help your assets pass smoothly to your beneficiaries and it can significantly reduce the headaches of probate.
Do You Have to Go through Probate When Someone Dies?
The law requires probate for a good reason. If a person dies, probate ensures that the property goes to the people who are supposed to inherit it.
Is It Better to Inherit Stock or Cash?
If you’re planning to leave your heirs any sort of inheritance, you’re already giving them a valuable financial leg up.
Does a Will Supersede a Beneficiary Form?
If you haven’t reviewed your beneficiary designations recently, you may be setting your heirs and estate up for some unpleasant surprises.
Have an Estate Plan, for Your Children’s Sake
After someone’s death, it is typically a time of grief, high emotion, fear of the unknown and confusion. A good estate plan can alleviate some of this.
How to Prevent The Top Six Retirement Planning Mistakes
Unfortunately, retirement is complicated, and your decisions can have irreversible consequences.
Yes, You Do Have an Estate and You Do Need an Estate Plan
Regardless of their actual financial standing, job title and income, many Americans—and probably most federal civil servants—would identify themselves as middle class.
Estate Planning Is for Everyone, at Every Age
There are milestones in every life. For many, graduations, marriage, children, opening a business and retiring are among these milestones.