Home Security Systems and Estate Planning

Home Security Systems and Estate Planning

Estate planning helps bring peace of mind and a sense of security, both in our lifetime and beyond. While we cannot predict our fate, we can at least dictate how […]

Ladies, You Need a Plan

In 1987, Congress passed a law recognizing March as Women’s History Month—a time to honor the contributions and achievements of women throughout American history in a variety of fields. Women […]

Why Not Have a Will?

Out of sight, out of mind isn’t just an everyday adage—it’s one of the reasons why people 50 and over fail to write a will, update a previous one, or make other estate planning decisions.

What a Will Can and Cannot Do

A will allows you to distribute your worldly goods, select a guardian for minor children and name an executor to carry out your wishes.

What a Will Won’t Accomplish

That last will and testament you have tucked away? It may not be the last word on what happens to your stuff after you are gone. Instead, that legal document’s directives for doling out your wealth may be overruled by other paperwork and relevant laws.