Garn–St Germain Act: What You Need to Know

Garn St Germain Act: What You Need to Know

It is important to let your estate planning attorney know if you own real estate that is subject to a mortgage. Most mortgages include due-on-sale clauses stating that, upon the […]

Balancing Act: What Matters Most to You?

When people begin getting their affairs in order through the creation of an estate plan, they often face a delicate balancing act between saving on income and estate taxes, protecting […]

Why Do People Give to Charities at End of Year?

With a draft bill from the House Ways and Means Committee on the table, all signs suggest that higher income taxes could be right around the corner. How they will affect charitable giving remains to be seen.

How to Begin Talking About Estate Plans

Few families, of course, enjoy talking about money. Introduce the idea of estate plans and inheritance—who gets what and why—and conversations often never get off the ground.