What Is a Guardianship?

Guardianship is a legal action where the court deems an adult an incapacitated person and appoints someone, the guardian, to make decisions about the care and finances of the individual.

What’s a Living Will?

A living will is a legal document that allows you to specify the kind of care you’d like to receive in end-of-life situations. This is different from an advance healthcare directive, though either one can be an important part of an estate plan.

What Is a Guardianship?

My Dad has been deemed unable to make his own decisions, and he does not have a Power of Attorney. The hospital said we need to apply for guardianship. What is that?

How to Be an Effective Advocate for Elderly Parents

As family caregivers, we play many roles: scheduler, money manager, house cleaner, health aide, nurse, navigator, nurturer and more. Perhaps the most important role, though, is advocate, as we ensure the best life possible for our loved ones when they are vulnerable.

What are Most Common Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines?

While it may take a while for production to ramp up to the point where a vaccine is readily available to the general public, health experts say there is one thing that’s critical for people to understand before they roll up their sleeves for the shots: The vaccines may cause side effects.