What a Will Can and Cannot Do

A will allows you to distribute your worldly goods, select a guardian for minor children and name an executor to carry out your wishes.

Estate Planning and a Second Marriage

Married people in second marriages with prior children often have to balance the future well-being of their spouse with that of their own children.

How Do You Keep Inheritance Money Separate?

Everything each spouse earns during their marriage is community property. Fortunately, a gift or inheritance is separate property. However, that’s only half the battle.

Will I Get A Bill as My Inheritance?

Debts, just like assets, are considered part of a person’s estate. When that person passes away, their estate is responsible for paying any and all remaining debts. The money to pay those debts comes from the asset side of the estate.

Do It Yourself Wills Go Wrong–Fast

I want to divide my estate equally among their three children. I’ve mapped out a plan to dispose of my property without any probate whatsoever. I put it together from what I’ve read on the internet. It’s just marvelous what you can learn by Googling things, don’t you think?