Retirement Planning Update

Although we are still in the midst of winter, spring is on its way. It is important to remember upcoming April deadlines for retirement contributions and required minimum distributions (RMDs), […]

What Planning Should I Do in My 50s?

If you are one of the many people who start getting serious about their finances as they reach their 50s, enjoy this guide for your next steps.

Is Succession Planning for Business Owners a Good Idea?

In coming years, millions of Baby Boomers — those born between 1946 and 1964 — are expected to retire in the U.S. In fact, by some estimates nearly a quarter of this country’s population will be aged 65-or-older within a few decades.

What Should Small Business Owners Know about Estate Planning?

Small business owners have their hands overflowing with issues, and they devote most of their time to matters related to the smooth running of the business. Having no time to think about other matters, they do not bother about estate planning for them.

What to do If Someone Wants to Buy Your Business

You may be running your business for years without any thoughts of selling and then suddenly receive an offer to buy your firm. It could be from a private equity group, a competitor or a key customer or supplier.