Do I Need an Estate Plan If I’m Not Married?
If you don’t have a spouse or children, you might think you don’t need to do much estate planning. However, if you have any assets, any familial connections, any interest in supporting charitable groups – not to mention a desire to control your own future – you do need to establish an estate plan.
Your Will and Estate Planning Checklist
Most people should have a will, but it’s rarely the most significant estate planning document that an individual will hold.
COVID-19 UPDATE: Estate Planning in the Time of Coronavirus
Who will make decisions about your finances and health (maybe even your life) if you get COVID-19?
Your Estate Plan is a “Dynamic Document”
Failing to ensure that your asset titling and beneficiary designations are coordinated with your estate plan, can lead to unintended costs, taxes and outcomes.
Estate Planning Is For Everyone
The most common misconception estate planning attorneys hear, is that someone doesn’t need an estate plan because their client isn’t elderly or on death’s door.
COVID-19 UPDATE: If You Have Not Yet Named Someone with Medical Power of Attorney, Do It Now
In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to have your legal, financial and medical ducks in a row. Sadly, when serious illness strikes it is usually quite rapid and often unexpected. In these times, however, we do have forewarning that we are all at risk of contracting COVID-19, the coronavirus.
Estate Planning Documents for a Natural Ending
You know that you can always refuse life-sustaining medical treatment. The tricky part comes when you are no longer able to understand your options or communicate your wishes to the health care professionals.
Start the New Year with Estate Planning To-Do’s
Every estate plan should bring you peace of mind, but much more than that, an estate plan is one of the best gifts you can give your loved ones.