What Estate Planning Does My Child Need at 18?

Picture this…your child is in the hospital, but the on-call doctor won’t talk to you let alone allow you to weigh in on medical decisions. While hospitalized, your child’s bills are going unpaid because you can’t access their accounts—potentially wreaking havoc on their financial credit. Why? Because they’re over the age of 18.

Do College Kids Need Estate Planning?

As a legal adult after attaining the age of 18, your child should have in place several legal documents that will allow you to provide support and obtain information, if something unexpected happens to your child.

What Should Small Business Owners Know about Estate Planning?

Small business owners have their hands overflowing with issues, and they devote most of their time to matters related to the smooth running of the business. Having no time to think about other matters, they do not bother about estate planning for them.

What are the Key Documents in Estate Planning?

It can be easy to overlook, but an estate plan is essential for nearly everyone, whether you have a lot of money or just a little. An estate plan tells your heirs and the courts how to divide up your assets. However, it also helps protect your loved ones from unnecessary hassle and expense – as well as potentially months, even years, tied up in the court system settling your estate.