Who Should I Name as Trustee?

You created your revocable living trust to hold your assets. You did so because of the probate avoidance and other benefits. You may have included sophisticated tax-planning provisions in your trust.

Just What Does an Executor Do?

In addition to deciding who gets what when you die, you have key roles to fill that deserve thoughtful deliberation as part of the estate-planning process, experts say.

What Does the Executor Do?

If the deceased has a will, it usually names a close relative, friend, accountant, attorney or financial institution to act as executor of the will.

What are the Stages of Probate?

Although most assets in your estate may pass through the probate process, other assets may not. It often depends on the type of asset or how an asset is titled.

How Do You Handle Probate?

Although there is considerable legal information and misinformation, it is generally understood that a last will and testament is the device used to distribute property after death. However, the why, how and when are less familiar.